CENTRAL business center serves the purpose of several businesses, industries and a wide range of professionals and commercial enterprises with some of the most state-of-the-art facilities and…
Strategically located in the nexus of Lebanon’s Metn region between the Damascus Highway and the Beirut Central District, Qubic Square is a destination for the corporate world of Beirut and…
Situated on the axis between Lebanon’s Metn region, the international Damascus Highway and the Beirut Central District location, the center is an authentic fusion of the full-service business…
Development 549 is a unique commercial building, ideally located in the central suburban neighborhood of Sin El Fil – Horsh Tabet, and only a ten-minute drive from the Lebanese capital itself.…
The Beirut Symposium Executive Center is a veritable hybrid in the world of full-service business venues. It caters to the widest possible scope of needs of professionals and commercial…
The Jdeideh Office Center compacts the growing tendencies of business life in an office building meant to further the capacities of its tenants. Sitting on a 2200sqm piece of land, the Jdeideh Office…
Beirut's premier workspace destination. Our modern facility boasts a ground floor with a main hall, conference room, a spacious showroom with both indoor and outdoor terraces. Numerous offices across…